
About Me

I have pretty much loved to cook my whole life. My earliest memories of cooking are probably from when I was about seven or eight and include playing “restaurant” in our kitchen with my sister Kristen. It was a weekend morning ritual. We would come up with a menu (which usually consisted of the same choices: pancakes, biscuits, or omelets), make our parents sit at the breakfast bar and order off of it, and then we would cook away. If I had a dollar for every pancake I made….

Now that I’m older, I’ve expanded my repertoire to include more than just pancakes, biscuits, and omelets (though I do still enjoy those from time to time). I love looking through cookbooks and recipes online in search of that next recipe that I just have to try. I guess this blog could be considered a compilation of all the “must try” recipes that I have come across, with a few all-time favorites sprinkled in the mix as well.
